Fibonacci Retracement: Why It’s The Best Tool In A Trader’s Kit

Max C
4 min readJul 1, 2021 we have EAs trading bots …

Fibonacci Retracement Introduction

I have had many requests for the derivation of the Fibonacci retracement in the USD/JPY (UUP). What I will do now is to demonstrate that it is possible to deduce the retracement with the Fibonacci sequence, I have also discovered that it is also possible to measure its length. I will use the market information in USD/JPY because it is the most liquid currency in which the retracement is measured.

Fibonacci RetracementBackground

Fibonacci Retracement Far in the future, I realized that my life had been one of many circles where the first and last chapter in the book had a beginning of a new, larger chapter where the ending was yet unknown. The first page of the book might tell the story of how the beginning was hard and the first chapter was overwhelming. I may have been nervous at the time because the bigger book was just being written, and I was worried if it was going to have enough variety and challenge or it was going to be a quick and simple chapter. This is the way many of us’ forex trading routines and our trading tools work. The way we may set up our trading tools is going to have a beginning with a series of process that most likely will find comfort and satisfaction to follow.

Fibonacci RetracementFibonacci Retracement Tool

The Fibonacci sequence is an ancient numerical sequence of numbers that appeared in the ancient alchemy and astronomy of the Middle Ages and Renaissance period. Fibonacci sequence is composed of three numbers that are the sum of the previous two. Its meaning: Fibonacci sequence is composed of three numbers that are the sum of the previous two. It can be seen as an analog for a larger series. The number 18 is 1 times the number 2 and 7 is 1 times the number 3. When the numbers of the sequence add up to 12 (as in 2 + 7 = 12), the next number after the last two becomes 1 times the number of the preceding numbers, e.g. the sequence 1 + 7 = 2, 3 + 7 = 5.

Fibonacci RetracementFibonacci Retracement Example

Currently we are at the end of the third week of the first series (red) of the Fibonacci retracement. There is a simple linear equation that shows why the red area is most likely the area that you will find the best value on a close to the close basis. Summary: The case for Fibonacci retracement is a simple one The first graph shows the 12 retracement zone as the area that occurs first on the retracement chart. However, this finding does not mean that it always is the area that lies closest to the support, it could be the area that has the highest probability to indicate an area of the market that has potential value to the trader.

Fibonacci RetracementFibonacci Retracement Tips

Successful scalping In my opinion, to get maximum profits from trading you should become a money manager. Put your funds in the stock market in bull and bear markets. If you’re not willing to risk, at least risk money. Fibonacci Retracement Tips Steps with each buying and selling I would take 1–2 seconds. I was doing it as I was changing TV channels . If I watched another channel before selling my profit would decrease with that watching channel. So I would do like this step by step: next stop stop, sell , change channel. Professionals To make some cash, I have been playing a lot of Bitcoin games (no investment strategy). Any time I know there is a crash, I like to sell to earn some quick profits. On many occasions I have actually sold while I was playing.


Generally speaking the Fibonacci ratio is a straight line approximation of a tree that adds itself when the curve reaches the right angle. Generally when this curve intersects a certain angle it will extend into a circular shape; I mean that any pair of numbers that form a long side will add to itself when they intersect in the same ratio. It’s a tool to calculate with. While some examples give a good idea, to appreciate how the Fibonacci ratio works you need to manipulate these numbers. This post won’t get into that here. Here is an easy explanation of how the Fibonacci ratio works: The first number in this sequence is 1, then 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, etc. visit site EA trading bots and more..

